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nothing is sound

Saturday, July 16, 2005

"Again I Go Unnoticed" - Dashboard Confessional

So quiet
another wasted night,
another night spent with your girl. you've had great nights before but lately it seems theres not a whole lot there... no connection
the television steals the conversation
so what do most people do when theyre bored at home? they watch tv. no one talks, and your not really spending time with that person since the tv has caused no conversation at all
another wasted breath,
and it seems that everything you do, even the small things, is meaningless because you get no acknowledgement from her whatsoever
again it goes unnoticed.
theres something missing. something has happened between the two of you and you dont even acknowledge the things eachother do as a way to not have to talk about it
Please tell me you're just feeling tired
cause if it's more than that I feel that I might break
as much as you wish its just because youre tired and just dont feel like talking, theres something else wrong, but if you seriously think about that thing, youre going to be incredibly depressed
out of touch, out of time.
you havent been close lately- not talking a lot. now it seems youve let it go for too long and theres nothing you can do now to change it- your out of time.

Please send me anything but signals that are mixed
she still does small things that let you know shes still there and shes still yours, but those little things are majorly outnumbered by the things that go unnoticed
cause I can't read your rolling eyes
a bit of sarcasm. she rolls her eyes because of the situation instead of just telling you whats wrong
out of touch, are we out of time?
and now you seriously have to ask this question no matter how much it sucks. is there anything that can be done to improve the situation? or are you jus out of luck?...

Close lipped
another goodnight kiss
is robbed of all it's passion,
you say goodbye to her, and its not anything like it used to be. theres no feeling or connection when you touch her. its jus like saying goodbye to anyone, not the special person she used to be and still is to you
your grip
another time, is slack
it leaves me feeling empty.
thats got to be worse then jus leaving without saying goodbye. when theres no meaning to a goodbye then whats the use? it just gives you a depressed mood that leaves you empty

I'll wait until tomorrow
maybe you'll feel better then
maybe we'll be better then
shes so special to you though, and youre still willing to wait it out to see if things improve even though you kno it wont, you just want to be able to hang on for as long as you can
so what's another day
when I can't bear these nights of thoughts
of going on without you
and the reason that you want to hang on is because as soon as its completely over, its gone and shes not yours anymore, and probably never will be again
this mood of yours is temporary
you keep telling yourself that its just a mood shes in... she'll come out of it
it seems worth the wait
to see your smile again
cuz her smile holds a world of personality that gets you everytime she does it
out of the corner of your eye
won't be the only way you're looking at me then.
once its over, she'll realize what shes missing, look at you as a person once again, and you wont go unnoticed....

so once again everyone, this hasnt happened to the extent i evaluated it. ive jus been listening to it a lot lately and i still dont completely understand it, but still felt like i needed to evaluated it. so hope you like it........

this has been an evaluation by dyce

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